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Why does FrontPageŽ just hang when establishing a connection to my account?



Why does FrontPageŽ just hang when establishing a connection to my account?


There are number of reasons why FrontPageŽ hangs. The most common reason is related to the amount of data in your public_html directory both in size and number of files and directories. The more files/directories and size of data the longer it will take FrontPageŽ to log in. Large amounts of data (> 50MB) and/or a large number of files or directories ( > 500) can cause FrontPageŽ to hang and perhaps even timeout. If there are connectivity problems between your ISP and Indiaaccess Hosting then this can also lead to FrontPageŽ hanging or even timing out.


hostonjava 4/25/2024 9:42:45 AM